Aumkara Structural Bodywork MSc CAMTC ID 91712
Your Birthright: Strength - Flexibility - Pain-free

Digestive power - absorbing nutrients not negatives

Diet for healing and health 

What Diet keeps a person pain-free, strong and flexible? Glowing with health and vitality? The ability to separate the useful from the non-useful in life and in the absorption of nutrients from food? If all we had to do to regain health is eat healthy why does that not seem to be working with the rise in food allergies and other digestive issues? Will eating free range eggs, greens, bitter foods like Italian red lettuce, sugar free yogurt, herbal tea or decaf green tea and fruit make us healthy? What about Apple Cider Vinegar and fermented foods sour kraut, Kombucha, Miso etc.?

Shitaki mushrooms sauteed in butter in thickened eggs low temp soft scramble preserves the healthy Cholesterol in the eggs and the calming structure supporting magnesium. The whole grain bread underneath is nice for supporting strength of character and the spleen/stomach. The sulfur content is also helpful for connective tissue.

How we eat is important, It starts with Chewing and Digestive power

Conscious chewing is a start; the digestive enzyme amylase is present in the saliva  and it breaks some starches down into maltose and dextrin. This is why rice and grains, when chewed thoroughly, will taste sweet. This supports the spleen, stomach, pancreas in their roles. More important is the focus on getting the useful nutrients from food. Perhaps this is the basis of blessing food that many cultures have. 

One could say that discrimination, focus or self control of what we absorb from food in the small intestine into to the blood stream and the ability to digest it in the stomach helps to keep us healthy.  

The ability to digest food well is indicated by the ability to make good stomach acid and bile. Strong stomach acid breaks apart proteins (by activating pepsinogen into becoming pepsin, a digestive enzyme) into amino acids so the your body can build them into proteins of it own with a “signature” that your immune system can recognize as you. 

Whole Proteins crossing into the blood stream from the small intestine have been reported to trigger your immune response; which is why after a meal you can feel sleepy, achy uncomfortable etc. Of course any big meal will cause the body to try to divert blood to the stomach and digestive tract as that is where it is needed. 

So while food is broken down first by the teeth and secondly by stomach churning with acid, it is absorbed in the 20 foot long small intestine. Bile from the gall bladder triggered by: 

Cholecystokinin (CCK or CCK-PZ; from Greek chole, "bile"; cysto, "sac"; kinin, "move"; hence, move the bile-sac (gallbladder)) is a peptide hormone of the gastrointestinal system responsible for stimulating the digestion of fat and protein. Cholecystokinin, previously called pancreozymin, is synthesized by I-cells in the mucosal epithelium of the small intestine and secreted in the duodenum, the first segment of the small intestine, and causes the release of digestive enzymes and bile from the pancreas and gallbladder, respectively. It also acts as a hunger suppressant

So how do we get good stomach acid? What if we are stressed and make too much? 

To make stomach acid (HCL), you need:

  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B1
  • Iodine
  • NaCl
  • H2O
  • CO2

The Last 3, NaCl, H20, and CO2 are the components of stomach acid. Zinc and Vitamin B1 are needed to make in the Parietal cells (also known as oxyntic or delomorphous cells), are the stomach epithelial cells that secrete gastric acid (HCl)  Iodine is needed for the HCl to secrete (move) from the cell into the stomach.

Apple Cider Vinegar 1 tsp to 2 TBL in water at bedtime can improve health in general and help with stomach acid by a light cleansing of the system.

Sauerkraut - try ¼-1 tsp with meals. Sauerkraut tends to moderate too much acid and strengthen weak acid. Most commercially available sauerkraut are heated and/or pasteurized, effectively destroying the live enzymes present in naturally fermented foods. The Its Alive brand seems good, there are others.

Pickled ginger is a traditional sour food used to help increase digestive energy and many find the taste wonderful as well.

Miso seems to help many conditions including radiation sickness and has probiotics being a fermented food. It is one of the few forms of soy that is agreed by almost everyone to enhance health. 

Iodine and salt are easily available in Kombu seaweed; which cut a 4 inch strip into small 1/2" or smaller pieces can be added to sauces, beans, soup, soft "scrambled" AKA thickened eggs (it is chewy so this also helps by keeping the food in the mouth longer). It is salty so you may need less salt in cooking.

Maine Coast sea Vegetables Sea Seasonings has Kelp in it a good iodine source also.

Try these to increase digestive your digestive energy and power. You may find butter, coconut, oil, and avocado are your friends now as your body may be better able to assimilate them and not just pass them through or be irritated by them. Check the blog for more ideas!

Foods to move away from: 

Trans fats - fats cooked for 5 hours at 350 do not oxidize and when used by the body to make a cell they act like they are wrapped in cellophane and have difficulty taking in nutrients.

Sugar - it spikes blood sugar and overloads quick energy supply associated with damage to arteries.

Soy - rich in estrogenic compounds, such as genistein and daidzein which may cause various issues in both men and women. Soy is also high in manganese and other minerals that are needed for health and, however are toxic and degrade health when they are too abundant. Soy also tends to be high in aluminum which has conflicting information as to whether it is harmful or not. Some information seem to show it uptakes heavy metals in general including radioactive ones.

Corn syrup - implicated with arterial hardening and scarring.

Canola oil - slightly poisonous as it is bred from rapeseed; a plant grown and used for an inexpensive industrial oil. Watch is video to see how it is made One study analyzed canola and soybean oils found on store shelves in the U.S. They found that 0.56% to 4.2% of the fatty acids in them were toxic trans fats.

Cold pressed Organic Canola oil maybe slightly better for you, though many studies show high levels of polyunsaturated fats are not healthy either.

White flour - to much available gluten for the amount of sitting most people do - overloads quick energy supply.

Homogenized milk - milk fat broken up into small chains of fats that are less useable/ cross into bloodstream easily and may be one of the causes of dairy allergies. Try non-Homoginzed whole milk.

Caffeine - As we all know it is hard the nervous system, increases heart rate, and blood pressure - so challenging as for many of us Coffee smells so good! One can a acquire a taste for green tea as it is lower in caffeine, is alkalizing to the blood stream  

Alcohol - an addictive neurotoxin and linked to birth defects. Production: yeast eat sugar and “give off” alcohol. In the traditional production of wine, the yeast continue this process in the absence of oxygen until they die from their own waste product.

MSG - an addictive neurotoxin MSG sensitive individuals can experience these symptoms within an hour of consuming only three grams.

MSG Side Effects

Stomach cramps



Migraine headaches

Heart palpitations

Rapid heartbeat

Sharp rise in blood pressure

Rapid drop in blood pressure

Blurred vision

Joint pain

Stiffness in joints

Achiness all over body

Dizziness and loss of balance

Light headed


Frequent need to urinate

A numbing or burning sensation in the mouth

Swelling of the face

Pain or tightness in the chest

Shortness of breath

In studies with lab animals, research has conclusively confirmed that consuming high doses of MSG causes lesions in the hypothalamus. Young animals that were fed diets high in MSG showed numerous health problems like obesity, malformed organs, abnormal reproductive systems, infertility, unprovoked rage, overt aggression, antisocial behavior, impaired cardiovascular responsiveness, and high triglycerides, cholesterol, and VLDL. Many of these animals also showed signs of an impaired immune system. MSG also forces the pancreas to release insulin. This causes the blood sugar to drop and typically makes one very hungry. This is why it is commonplace for individuals to become hungry only an hour or so after consuming foods high in MSG.

History of MSG:

in 1908, that monosodium glutamate was invented. The inventor was Kikunae Ikeda, a Japanese man who identified the natural flavor enhancing substance of seaweed.

Taking a hint from this substance, they were able to create the man-made additive MSG, and he and a partner went on to form Ajinomoto, which is now the world's largest producer of MSG (and interestingly also a drug manufacturer). 2

Chemically speaking, MSG is approximately 78 percent free glutamic acid, 21 percent sodium, and up to 1 percent contaminants.3

It's a misconception that MSG is a flavor or "meat tenderizer." In reality, MSG has very little taste at all, yet when you eat MSG, you think the food you're eating has more protein and tastes better. It does this by tricking your tongue, using a little-known fifth basic taste: umami.

What the food industries do not want you to know - Throw out Accent seasoning now!

Although the FDA requires that the ingredient monosodium glutamate be listed on food labels, it does not require ingredients that contain MSG to be listed as MSG. If we are to avoid MSG, we must move away from the following ingredients as well. The food industry does not want you to know about these ingredients:

Autolyzed Yeast
Calcium Caseinate
Glutamic Acid
Hydrolyzed Protein
Monopotassium Glutamate
Monosodium Glutamate 
Sodium Caseinate
Textured Protein
Yeast Extract
Yeast Food
Yeast Nutrient

These may have MSG or form it during processing:

Flavors and Flavorings, Seasonings, Natural Flavors and Flavorings Natural Pork Flavoring, Natural Beef Flavoring
Natural Chicken Flavoring, Soy Sauce, Soy Protein Isolate, Soy Protein Bouillon, Stock Broth Malt Extract, Malt Flavoring, Barley Malt
Anything Enzyme Modified, Carrageenan, Maltodextrin, Pectin Enzymes Protease, Corn Starch, Citric Acid, Powdered Milk, Anything Protein Fortified Anything Ultra-Pasteurized

MSG does not change the actual taste of foods the way substances that are sweet, salty, bitter, or sour do. Instead it alters the taste of food by stimulating the sensation of taste. It is added to foods in the hope that consumers will become addicted. And it is added to foods in many different ways, listed as many different ingredients, in the hope that we will not take the effort to learn its many names.

Neuroscientists overwhelmingly agree that MSG is toxic. It kills neurons by exciting them until the neurons die. MSG is an excitotoxin, so it is toxic for everyone, for some more than others. Newborns are four times more sensitive to MSG than adults, and individuals with Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, or multiple sclerosis are more sensitive than people without neurodegenerative diseases.

Anyone who is sick and trying to heal naturopathically (which, incidentally, is the only way to actually heal), will have to stop eating MSG. Any parent with a child who exhibits behavior problems needs to find those hidden sources of MSG in their child's diet and get their kid off of MSG (and every other additive). You'll see a difference in two weeks or less. The bottom line is this: do you want to eat a food additive that kills your brain cells in addition to doing other damage throughout your body? Do you want to feed it to your child, ever? For any reason?

The FDA assures us that MSG is safe, but a neurotoxin, in any amount, is never fit for human consumption.

Learn more:

Fluoride in water and tooth care products because it make thyroid hormone inactive. For tooth care it seems to make no sense. Read the following:

In Kentucky, despite a 1977 fluoridation state-wide mandate, preschoolers cavity rates went from 28% in 1987 to 47% in 2001, according to the July/August 2003 journal, Pediatric Dentistry, 

According to an 11/27/2011 news article, “In recent years, Northern Kentucky health officials have encountered more children with cavities in a state known for some of the worst teeth in the nation. Kentucky has the second highest rate of toothlessness in the U.S. The national average is 20.5 percent, while 38 percent of Kentuckians have lost their teeth.” 

What is put in tap water isn't pharmaceutical grade nor is it natural "calcium fluoride". It's a by-product of the fertilizer industry. Here's what is added to tap water. It is toxic. See below PDF's: 

It's nothing more than toxic waste or pollution. 

Studies by Drs. H.S. Brown, D.R. Bishop and C.A. Rowan in the early 1980s demonstrated that an average of 64% of the total dose of waterborne contaminants, such as fluoride, are absorbed through the skin. (American Journal of Public Health 1984; 74: 479-84) —Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death, Barry Groves, pp. 275-265 

A study by Professor Julian Andelman, Professor of Water Chemistry at the University of Pittsburg's Graduate School of Public Health, "found less chemical exposure from drinking the water than from using it to wash clothes or take a shower or a dip in the swimming pool". Every time you take a shower or go for a swim, you will be soaking it up. The percentage for skin absorption are as follows: Scalp - 32%, Ear Canal - 46%, Forehead - 36%, Plant of Foot - 13%, Forearm - 9%, Palm - 12%, Male Scrotum - 100%. 

Dr. Dean Burk, Chief Chemist Emeritus of the National Cancer Institute published a paper in 1975 that detailed an increase in cancer deaths in fluoridated areas. According to Burk, "In point of fact, fluoride causes more cancer, and causes it faster, than any other chemical". 

Fluoride is NOT essential. In 1979, the FDA required the deletion of all government references previously classifying fluoride as "essential or probably essential", (Federal Register, March 16, 1979, page 16006). 

Robert Carton, PhD formerly President of the union of Government Scientists working at the US Environmental Protection Agency said: "Water fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time." In 1997, more than 1,000 members of this union working at USEPA HQ in Washington DC, who are directly responsible for the US Safe Drinking Water Act, voted UNANIMOUSLY to ban water fluoridation. Their bosses are not listening. 

There is not a single scientific or laboratory study from anywhere in the world which proves that fluoridation reduces tooth decay in humans. There are, however, hundreds of published scientific papers which show that water fluoridation is dangerous to human, animal, plant and aquatic life, which is no surprise, since fluoride is more toxic than lead and only marginally less so than arsenic. (Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, 5th ed., Gosselin, et al, 1984.). 

"Fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons, probably because of their capacity to modify the metabolism of cells by changing the permeability of the cell membrane and by inhibiting certain enzyme systems … The sources of fluorine intoxication are drinking water containing 1 ppm or more of fluorine, fluorine compounds used as insecticidal sprays for fruits and vegetables (cryolite and barium fluosilicate) and the mining and conversion of phosphate rock to superphosphate, which is used as fertilizer. The fluorine content of phosphate rock, about 25% of the fluorine present, is volatilized and represents a pouring into the atmosphere of approximately 25,000 tons of pure fluorine annually … The known effects of chronic fluorine intoxication are those of hypophasia of the teeth, which has been called mottled enamel, and of bone sclerosis." 

Journal of the American Medical Association, editorial, September 18, 1943 (123:50)